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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 双翅目 » 寄生蝇科 »

学名:Myxexoristops hertingi
Parafrontal without outer orbital setaeFirst flagellomere 3.0–4.5 times as long as pedicel, 1.5– 2.8 times as wide as parafacial at its narrowest point. Face about as long as frons.Tibiae black or evenly dark brown. Mid tibia with 1 antero dorsal seta (rarely 2). First flagellomere 3–4 times as long as pedicel.Second costal section and often also third ventrally with some minute black setulae. which are as strong as the corresponding setulae of the first costal section(rarely second costal section with only a single seta). Tergite 3 with a band of pruinosity in anterior 4/5. Scutellum reddish or yellow on the extreme tip. Tergite 3 without reddish brown lateral spot Facial ridge above the vibrissa with setulae and setulose hairs on lower1/3-2/5。